
interviews, webinars, and presentations

Level of service is an important aspect of municipal asset management. In the province of Ontario it is mandatory for municipalities to have it established. This webinar will help municipal staff get a grasp of the concept and how it can be applied directly to their role and responsibilities. Most importantly we will highlight the impact level of service will have on the safety of your local communities.


A partnership of organizations and associations have put together this webinar to benefit the recreation industry. Our goal is to educate recreation practitioners and stakeholders on the value of optimizing and maintaining facilities and their equipment to improve asset longevity and sustainability.

Information Technologies

Immutable Storage - Quartet & Marmak

This FREE Webinar shows how Immutable Storage keeps your data backups fully secure for a fast and easy restore — even when the rest of your systems are compromised. Organizations often have a real data backup and security problem — and don’t realize it until far too late. They’re hit by ransomware. They turn to their backups, but the ransomware has lain dormant for weeks. Inevitably, the backups have been compromised too. This free webinar shows how Immutable Storage finally offers a foolproof solution.

Public Works


Level of Service - Engineers

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.



Rink Sustainability

I.B. Storey Inc. summary videos profile current or recently completed projects and the innovative features included such as Net Zero Ready. Additional Sustainability Zone and Factual Information series highlight key considerations for operations, pursuing upgrades or planning for a new facility.


Recreation Asset Management

How does Asset Management apply to recreation? what are the components of Asset Management? Stream a presentation to World Urban Parks members and an interview with Mark Reinert from Petawawa (Ontario).

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The Zamboni Company

The Zamboni Company provides a number of videos that include Presentations, Interviews, Expos, Preventative Maintenance Tips, Product Videos, Operator Training, Performance Tips, among others. In addition, their videos are also provided in a number of languages such as English, French, Swedish and Mandarin.


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Level of Service Workshop (Treasurers)

Stream our interview with Ross Rankin from the Township of Carleton Place about implementing Asset Management and being prepared for the various upcoming deadlines (Ont. Reg 588/17).

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