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Facility Focus

Facility Focus ORFA’s podcast is hosted by Terry Piche and discusses a number of important topics for anyone who manages a facility to be certain it is operating efficiently and safely.


Ask The Zamboni Experts

Join team members from the Zamboni Company, manufacturers of ice resurfacing machines and related equipment as they talk with industry leaders and experts, as well as some ice sport celebrities. A wide range of topics including ice maintenance, product introductions and overviews, ice maintenance and machine service tips and some great stories from the people who bring you great ice.

Sustainable Rink Zone

I.B. Storey’s Sustainable Rink Zone Podcast series focuses on exploring key aspects of Rink Sustainability from safety to environmental and financial considerations encompassing community rinks to professional organizations. Hosted by President Ian Storey, P.Eng. who will be speaking with a number of expert guests on the latest in the rink industry.

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